On Thu, Dec 30, 1999 at 02:41:46PM -0600, Larry P . Schrof wrote:
> o Does this variable only apply to IMAP and POP connections? If not,
> how does it work on local mail folders?
> If not, what does it mean for Mutt to time out on a local/NFS folder?
It works for all local mail folders. As the manual states, it is how long
Mutt waits for you to press a key before it performs a check for new mail
(which depends on the mail folder type). Normally Mutt will just wait for
you to press a key before it does anything (being that it is a single-threaded
application), but setting this variable causes it to go through its main
event loop without executing a command, and the first thing it does is check
for new mail in the current mailbox.
> o For IMAP connections, I have noticed that the 'timeout' variable
> controls how often a 'NOOP' is sent to the IMAP server, which causes
> the server's connection timeout timer to reset, and causes new mail to
> be reported. Does this same behavior get exhibited with the POP
> support in Mutt?
No, the POP3 support is only for fetching mail from the server manually. There
is no support for automatic fetching. I suggest you look at fetchmail if you
desire that capability.
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