
I've been having some annoying things happen in Mutt that I was wondering if someone 
with more experience could help me solve.

First, I am in several mailing lists (this one included) where, when I press 's' to 
save the message, Mutt offers to save it in a file named whatever the sender's email 
address is rather than based on the mailing list name (located in the To: header). I 
know that if the list has a Reply To: header, it works. What I'm wondering is there a 
way for me to set something in the .muttrc so that it will see these types of lists as 
mailing lists.

Second, I often get email from persons with Microsoft Outlook and am getting those 
annoying WINMAIL.DAT files. They are not attachments, however, but are included right 
in the body of the email much like the old uuencoding used to be ...

begin 600 winmail.dat
M>)\^(C4,`0:0 (etc. etc. etc.)

This also happens to Microsoft Word documents.

Can anyone help me get these things sorted out?


Jon Walthour, OCP
Oracle Database Administrator
Client Server Associates, Incorporated
(513) 241-5949 (office)
(888) 649-9488 (pager)

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