On Thu, Dec 23, 1999 at 12:57:35PM +0100, Lukas Ruf wrote:
> - a) When Mutt processes the send-hook list, do there apply all matching
> send-hooks or only the first one that fits ?
Mutt will execute all matching hooks in the order it is given in your
> - b) If I want to unmy_hdr and my_hdr within a send-hook-action, is this
> possible ? How do I program that ?
> I tried the following versions, none worked:
> # direct overwrite
> send-hook @ethz\\.ch 'my_hdr Reply-To:\
> # first unset then set
> send-hook @ethz\\.ch 'unmy_hdr Reply-To my_hdr Reply-To:\
> => Is there any need to separate the commands within a
> send-hook-action ? How do I separate ?
You can separate commands within hooks with a semicolon (;) just as you would
in a shell script. I'm not sure why you want to set and then unset a header
field in the same hook, but it would be the following:
send-hook @ethz\\.ch 'unmy_hdr reply-to;my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Also note that if you want to have additional commands after certain hooks,
like my_hdr, you need to enclose the body of the command with an additional
set of quotes:
send-hook @ethz\\.ch 'unmy_hdr reply-to;my_hdr "Reply-To:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]";set pgp_autosign'
If you didn't enclose them in quotes, the ";set pgp_autosign" would get
included in the Reply-To header field!
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