* This message is to the procmail and mutt-users mailing lists. I'm
* kind of stumped and not sure even where the problem lies, so I'm
* hoping someone, somewhere, does. Please Cc: me in on the replies,
* as I'm not on eaither list. Thank you.

While setting up procmail, I ran into trouble feeding it large
mbox's that were written by mutt. I first suspected it was a problem
with procmail/mutt/pine's handling of From_ lines in MIME boundaries.
the included file is a smaller test mbox, without any multipart
messages. However the attached mbox is quite isolated and has no MIME

This attachment is a section of a larger mbox. It is 4 messages, from 3
differant mailing lists: 'clug', 'linux-c-programming', and 'bugtraq'.
It was gzip'd to make sure it wasen't altered any as a text MIME

Reading this file produces strange results:

grep "^From " file - shows 4 messages
mutt -f file       - shows the first message, contains the whole file
pine -f file       - shows all 4 messages
procmail < file    - sees the whole file as 1 message, like mutt
hexdump -c file    - shows it as normal mbox format, \nFrom, no \r's

If PINE reads & writes the file, mutt can then read it properly, as
four messages. diff'ing the two mbox's show now huge differance,
outside of that annoying message PINE hides in all mbox's, and changes
to the following headers: Status, X-Status, X-Keywords, X-UID

By this I thought reading and writing my 1800 message mbox in PINE
would 'fix' it and let me run it though procmail. so I read/write it,
and give it to procmail, and it spits out 27 messages to the
server-linux mbox, only maybe 10 of which should have gone there.
message number 26 contained the other 1700-some messages, procmail for
some reason decided to > the From_ lines.

Here's some of my .procmailrc, other's have seen it and said it's
fine, and I've had it worded a few differant ways and got the same
result, so I've been pretty convinced it isn't the problem.


:0 c:

* ^TOserver-linux

* ^TObugtraq

Heres some version info (this is a linux slack-7.0 system)

procmail v3.13.1 1999/04/05
Mutt 1.0us (1999-10-22)
Pine: Version 4.20 (built Sat Oct 16 15:43:53 CDT 1999)

Thanks for your time.

Jeremy M. Dolan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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