On Die, 14 Dez 1999, Subba Rao wrote:
>This has been bothering me. What does the "asterisk" character, in the index,
>for a thread indicate? Does that indicate priority? If yes, how do I set priority
>on my mail?
You do not have strict_threads set. This means, that not only _real_
threads are diplayed, but also pseudo-threads.
Real threads are identified by the message-id's and the In-Replay-To
headers. These are displayed with a "real" arrow without asterisk.
Pseudo-threads are more than one message, which do not have matching
message-id's and In-Reply-To headers, but only have the same subject.
These are marked with an asterisk.
If you do not want to display these as threads, turn off strict_threads.
I do not know, though, how to change the asterisk itself. Maybe patching
the source ?
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