On Sat, Dec 11, 1999 at 03:46:03PM -0500, Richard Hakim wrote:
> - In the index of a folder, I'd like the arrow key to scroll over deleted
> messages as well.  Right now if I delete a message and then want the 
> scrollbar to go back to that message, I have to type the msg #.

Yeah, this drove me crazy as well.  Basically, you just need to bind
next-entry and previous-entry in the index.  If you use a
split-screen view (you set pager_index_lines), you'll also need to bind
the next-entry and previous-entry in the pager as well.  Here's the
entry in my .muttrc:

bind index j   next-entry
bind index k   previous-entry
bind pager j   next-entry
bind pager k   previous-entry

Just change j and k to whatever your tastes are. 

> - When I get to the end of the message, right now if I scroll down any more
> (either via space bar or arrow key or whatever) it automatically jumps me
> to the next one.  I want it to stop doing that - I often don't know that's 
> the end, so I dont' get to read the bottom (or hit the delete key).  Ideally

Add "set pager_stop" to your .muttrc. 

 Nathan Cullen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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