Hello !
John P . Looney wrote on 01.12.1999 11:07:15 +0000:
> Soemtimes, when I type my passphrase, I mistype - it's ~fifty characters
> long, so it's not *that* unexpected. Anyway. Mutt never asks me to re-issue
> the passphrase if GPG reports back a bad passphrase. Is there anyway bar
> quitting out of mutt, or to go into the PGP menu, select "Sign (a)s", and
> reselect my key again ?
You want to type "?" and then "/forget" and you will find the option:
^F forget-passphrase wipe PGP passphrase from memory
So pressing CTRL-F will enable you to re-enter the passphrase.
With kind regards,
Frank Altpeter
DAU at work, Real Life Cuts (Teil 22):
"Date: ... 1996
Wir suchen baldmoeglichst einen erfahrenen
fuer die Administration vom NETZMARKT,
der ersten deutschen Cybermall."