Hi Pieter,

On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, Pieter Wenk wrote:
>I have a mutt "folder" in which for reasons of convinience
>I have separated a few things.
>In my .muttrc I have the following entries:
># Persönliches Adressbuch 
>source ~/.mutt/aliases
># Persönliche save-, send-, mbox- hooks etc.  
>source ~/.mutt/personal

You jave to add the line


to your .muttrc, so mutt known where to _write_ the aliases you define
from within mutt.

Did you have a look at ·/.mutt/aliases, just to check if the alias in
question is defined there ?



"No worries." - Rincewind. 
Sebastian Helms   -  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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