On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, Shao Zhang wrote:
> In mutt, I can encrypt a message using the receipt's public key.
> But if I also want to encrypt the mail using my private key, how
> do I do this?
Hm, do you want to encrypt it to yourself ? Then you would do it with
your public key. Or do you want to sign the message, which is in fact
encrypting it with your provate key. Then you should just choose (p)gp -
(s)ign message ;-)
"No worries." - Rincewind.
Sebastian Helms - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Registered Linux user #137247
PGP available - 5C70 0D48 70F8 2CB1 6AB7 4539 0E37 E3E1 61A7 BA87