> The Subject is to be specified before the addresses...
Oops, you are so right.  Funny it worked anyway.

> > In line 79 of ~/.mutt/color I've got this:
> >  uncolor index "*"
> > which is a documented command.
> How about this (no quotes):
>    uncolor index *
Nope, same errors.
I tried
 uncolor index *
 uncolor index "*"
 uncolor index '*'
with spaces and tabs inbetween.

> Please tell what you want to do first!
> Why do you use "< /dev/null" for example?
For simplicity of the example.  I guess that didn't work. :-)

Here are other examples with the same result:
 echo test | mutt -s foo spiegl
 echo test | mutt spiegl
 mutt -a .zshrc spiegl < /etc/motd
 mutt -s foo -a .zshrc spiegl < /etc/motd


 E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     URL: http://andy.spiegl.de
 Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for my PGP key
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 Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the heck out of your enemies.

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