On 1999-11-17 19:59:24 +0100, Jan Houtsma wrote:
> Well in netscape you have the choice either a confirmation if the
> mail has been delivered (so thats the MTA) but the other is that
> the mail actually has been read. In winblows u always get a popup
> window in that case where u can say yes or no to confirm.
Well, yes. In fact, there are two concepts at work here, namely
Delivery Status Notifications (DSN, RFC 1894), and Message
Disposition Notifications (MDN, RFC 2298).
As far as I understand, the former ones are the classical
"Return-Receipts", i.e., a notification that a message has been
delivered. The latter ones concern the question what the end user
has done to a message. One may consider them an invasion of
the reader's privacy. Should I wish to confirm that I read a
mesage, I can just reply to it.
More simply, I think that adding support for generating MDNs to mutt
would be totally unnecesary additional code bloat to a program which
tries to get bloated anyways. Thus, it won't happen.