Surely sendmail reeled when thusly spake Jeremy Blosser:
> Subba Rao [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> > How do I detach a file in mutt? Some of the users are MS users
> > and send my Word97 or Powerpoint presenations. How can I detach it
> > and save it to a file?
> Hit 'v' to bring up the attachments menu (assuming you didn't change the
> default keybinding), then navigate the list of attachments the normal way
> and use 's' to save one to a file, etc.

Another quibble from an EEL  (ex-Elm lamer ;-)

Elm always had a flag in the main display that told me
a file had an attachment, and when I viewed the message, 
there was a notice there too.

Mutt doesn't seem to do this, and I've missed attachments  :-(

Anyone got a config fix ?

thanks ! 
fred baube

F.Baube(tm)        * "Geese, I'm led to understand, make 
G'town U. MSFS '88 *  excellent watchdogs. Which is good 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] *  because Rottweillers make lousy poultry."
+358 (40) 737 6934 *
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