On Tue, Nov 16, 1999 at 02:49:20PM -0500, Brendan Cully wrote:
> On Tuesday, 16 November 1999 at 16:13, Chris Green wrote:
> > I am using the 1.1.1 development version of mutt (not here, this is
> > 1.0) and want to know what I can do to IMAP folders with it, if
> > anything!
> >
> > For example:-
> > Can I create an IMAP folder (as opposed to a mail file)?
> no
> > Can I delete an IMAP folder or mailbox
> no
> > Can I move an IMAP folder (again, as opposed to mailbox)?
> no
Oh dear! :-(
> I've started implementing create/delete, but it's not going to be aware
> of whether it can contain subfolders or messages right away. On some
> servers you probably get that for free by creating something like
> "Friends/" instead of "Friends", where "Friends/" contains subfolders
> and "Friends" contains messages.
Yes, on the IMAP server I use at present the folders have a trailing
'.' to differentiate them from the mailboxes. Are these actually
separate entities on the IMAP server? It's rather confusing as the
server I use doesn't itself actually acknowledge that hierarchical
folders are possible but you can create them.
> I don't actually know whether MOVE is part of the IMAP RFC or not. You
> may have to tag all messages and copy them into a new folder for the
> forseeable future. Note that's not as slow as it sounds - it's all done
> server-side.
That doesn't sound too difficult. The problem I'm facing at the
moment is that the IMAP server (a free Web service) doesn't itself
allow creation of a folder hierarchy using the Web interface and I
can't create folders with mutt. Thus I need to use another mail
program simply to create a folder hierarchy.
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