* Reinoud Koornstra ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [991116 09:21]:
> Hi All,
> Forgive my trivial question.....
> Where does mutt by default store the mailbox once it is looked upon?
> Cause i saved my own mailbox in /var/mail/root (logged on as root).
> And once i looked some mails, all was gone next time. I guess mutt saves
> it and then cleans up root?
My mutt definitely did not do this. Perhaps you had some sort of tricky
race condition on the mailbox, or perhaps you deleted your mail?
You might want to check the value of the variables 'move' and 'mbox', like
:set ?move
:set ?mbox
from within mutt.
mbox is the file your mail will be copied to, and 'move' controls whether
it is so copied. By default, mutt will ask you, and the question will
default to no.
> I dont want this.
> Furthermore...... will mutt have in the future apop support?
Not sure.. maybe some developer types can pitch in here?
(after some searching)
it seems there's a patch to an older mutt version here, for apop.
Maybe you can bring it forward to the current release?
...(read read)
It seems there was some dissent back in the summertime about whether POP
support should migrate out of mutt proper into external programs. Or not.
> What is better? apop or imap?
APOP is a simple modification of POP3 which eliminates clear text
passwords on the network.
IMAP provides lots of other goodies.
Whether simple is better, or complex is better is a matter of opinion.
APOP is (relatively) easy to implement. IMAP is not.
One sad fact is that both of these protocols are poorly supported in
general. APOP simply isn't available with lots of software, and IMAP
generally suffers from incomplete, shoddy, and/or insecure
Take your pick.
> Last question, how can i see what version i run of mutt?
user@hostname:~ > mutt -v
Mutt 1.0i (1999-10-22)
Copyright (C) 1996-9 Michael R. Elkins and others.
Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
> Sincerely,
> Reinoud.
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