Sun, Nov 14, 1999 at 01:01:56PM -0600, skrev Chris Costello:
> > Hi all
> >
> > I have a challenge for you ;-)
> >
> > The fte-editor contains 2 parts:
> >
> > For the console sfte
> > For X xfte
> >
> > Now how can I twist the lines in
> >
> > set editor=""
> >
> > to use *fte in both enviroments ??
> Set up a script and set that as the editor. The script could
> be something like
> ---
> #!/bin/ksh
> if [ -n "$DISPLAY" ]
> then
> xfte
> else
> sfte
> fi
> ---
Is that really so simple ???
I am newbie so please correct me if I am wrong !
I am using bash so I presume that the 1 line should be:
I should name the script
Move the script to somewhere in my path like
mv ~/editor /usr/bin/editor
and make it executable with
chmod a+x
Then it should look like this in ~/.muttrc
set editor="editor"
Is this correct ??
Niels Rasmussen | "To do is to be" -- Plato
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | "To be is to do" -- Kant
Registred Linux user #133791 | "Do be do be do" -- Sinatra