On Fri, Nov 12, 1999 at 01:04:55PM -0600, David DeSimone wrote:
> > Why (rhetorical question) can't I do it with alternates?
> > alternates dre@chronic\.net
> > alternates snoop@lbc\.ca.us
> Actually, it used to be that way, but that was before Mutt really
> supported regular expressions.  Once the regexp ability was added to
> Mutt, a short survey of the then-current Mutt users showed that everyone
> thought it would be just fine to make a single regexp that matched all
> addresses.  So there you have it, the democratic process at work.  :)

The democratic process also gave us Bill Clinton. :(

Seriously though, would it be difficult to make it so that several
alternates would become a big OR'd regexp?  For example, having 
the alternates listed as they are above would be "put together" into
"(dre@chronic\.net)|(snoop@lbc\.ca.us)" ?

 Nathan Cullen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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