On Thu, Nov 11, 1999 at 15:19:38 +0100, Sven Guckes wrote:

> Btw, mutt would be a LOT more useful for many people
> if there was an additional flag for your work addresses.
> Example:   set [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> "Work mails" would then show up with a 'W'
> and would be selectable with "~W".
> Then you can easily focus on your work stuff
> looking at new work mails with command ",W":
>        macro index ,W "l~N ~W\n"
> One more for the wishlist, I guess.

It isn't necessary because you can put your work alternates
directly into your macros:

macro index ,W "l ~N ~C ^^guckes@work\\.com$\n" "Limit to new work mails"


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