Denis Chapligin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Wed, 10 Nov 1999:
> I have some letters that comes to me with "To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]". Every time
> i responding this message i need to add "CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED]". Now i do this
> by hands. Is there any way to do it automatically?
Does using g(roup reply) work for you? It puts the To: address in the
To: field of the reply, and the original sender as Cc:.
// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu // [EMAIL PROTECTED] //
// The Corrs list maintainer // net.freak // DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
This is a test signature. Had it been for real, it would've been funny.