On Sun, Nov 07, 1999 at 07:40:15PM -0800, Aleksey Tsalolikhin wrote:
> Hi. I am trying to get to the mutt website, http://www.mutt.org/.
> The primary nameserver for mutt.org, ns.calyx.net, resolves www.mutt.org
> to; however when I try to go to http://www.mutt.org/,
> I get the web page for www.gbnet.net, "internet server for the young
> at heart".
> Now, I may be young at heart, but I want my mutt! :) Anybody know
> what's happenned with the web site, please?
Sorry about that, there was a power outage here and the server came up
up before the network was fully restored. Since we dont run DNS here for
mutt.org, Apache came up and couldn't resolve www.mutt.org, so it used
it's primary entry (www.gbnet.net) ... I was on vacation at the time,
so didn't fix it until this morning.
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