
I've got a strange problem.  After I updated to Mutt v1.0 ((1999-10-22)
(the Debian package 1.0.0-2) all my colors were mixed around.  After playing 
around quite a bit I found that I have to comment out the following lines
in /etc/Muttrc:
 color hdrdefault cyan black
 color quoted   green black
 color signature cyan black
 color attachment brightyellow black
 color normal   white black
 color indicator black cyan
 color status   brightgreen blue
 color tree red black
 color markers  brightred black
 color tilde    blue black

Then mutt uses the colors I defined.  Before it used a mixture of my
definitions and the ones in /etc/Muttrc.  Is it possible that the internal
cache for the color definitions is too small or something like that?

For completeness here are my own color defintions (out of .muttrc):
(comments and empty lines removed)

color   normal          default                 default
color   indicator       brightyellow    red
color   status          brightwhite             blue
color   tree            brightmagenta   default
color   header          brightyellow    default "^from:"
color   header          color5                  default "^to:"
color   header          brightgreen             default "^subject:"
color   hdrdefault      blue                    default
color   body            brightyellow    default (((ht|f)tps?)|mailto):(//)?[^\ 
"\t]*|www\.[-a-z0-9.]+)[^\ .,;\t>">]
color   body            brightyellow    default "(gopher|wais|file)://[^ ]+"
color   body            brightyellow    default "[-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+"
color   body            brightyellow    default "^Good signature"
color   body            brightwhite             red     "^Bad signature from.*"
color   bold            brightdefault   default
color   underline       yellow                  black
color   quoted          red                             default
color   quoted1         brightgreen             default
color   quoted3         brightgreen             default
color   markers         brightwhite             default
color   tilde           brightmagenta   default
color   signature       yellow                  default
color   attachment      brightdefault   default
color   error           brightred               default
color   message         brightdefault   default
color   search          black                   yellow
mono    header          underline       "^from:"
mono    header          standout        "^subject:"
mono    body            underline       (((ht|f)tps?)|mailto):(//)?[^\ 
"\t]*|www\.[-a-z0-9.]+)[^\ .,;\t>">]
mono    body            underline       "(gopher|wais|file)://[^ ]+"
mono    body            underline       "[-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+"
mono    body            bold            "^Good signature"
mono    body            reverse         "^Bad signature from.*"
mono    quoted          bold
mono    quoted1         standout
mono    signature       bold
mono    error           bold
uncolor index   "*"
color   index   brightdefault   default "~P"
mono    index   bold                                    "~f kleist"
color   index   brightyellow    default "~f kleist"
color   index   yellow                  default "~f goetz"
color   index   yellow                  default "~f götz"
color   index   color5                  default "~f heidi"
color   index   brightred               default "~f root"


 E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     URL: http://andy.spiegl.de
 Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for my PGP key
                                o      _     _         _
  --------- __o       __o      /\_   _ \\o  (_)\__/o  (_)
  ------- _`\<,_    _`\<,_    _>(_) (_)/<_    \_| \   _|/' \/
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 Who is General Failure and why is he reading drive C?

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