Hi all,

Two more quibbles from an elm diehard who's made the plunge.

One nice thing about elm was that the screen was not so "busy".  
Altho the screen was horizontally full, which is undeniably 
functional, there was white space top and bottom.

Mutt OTOH tries to cram as many messages as possible into the 
display, creating a display that is vertically full-to-bursting.

Any chance of a configuration variable that would offer control 
over this ?  Or maybe even a source patch ?

(If software is an artifact of the times in which it was written, 
 then I guess elm was written in a time when the average mailbox 
  was not so overwhelmed ;-)

If you suspend elm (^z) and then some time later OOPS accidently 
start another instance, the second instance detects the temp file 
that belongs to the first instance and refuses to start.  Mutt has 
no such qualms, and some point I get a message that the mailbox has 
changed, which makes me queasy about the possibility of file corrup-
tion.  Is this by design, or could it be a problem with file locking ?

thanks to all,

fred baube

F.Baube(tm)        * "Geese, I'm led to understand, make 
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] *  because Rottweillers make lousy poultry."
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