Rob Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I use rxvt 2.4.5 patched with something called "dingus", or
> active-rxvt.
I never could get that working.
> It works really well (i.e. much better than urlview), and doesn't
> interfere with selecting (left button) or pasting (middle button). Am
> I missing something that the right button would normally do?
Normally the right-button is used to *extend* the current selection.
For instance, you select some text with the left-button, and then if you
decide you really wanted more, instead of reselecting, you can click or
drag with the right-button to modify the selection. I use it on a very
occasional basis.
> Unfortunately applying the patch to newer versions of rxvt was so
> difficult that I gave up.
Indeed, on HP-UX I was never able to get past the compile/patching
stage, so I gave up, too.
> I should note that it only fully works in Linux or other OSes using
> /proc. It's usable in Solaris for URLs, though.
Hmm, curious, why is /proc required? Oh well..
Mikko Hänninen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have no idea how xterm is supposed to know this, but apparently it's
> still a supported feature. I know because lynx does this (version
> 2.8.1rel.2).
Yes, an application can put the xterm into a special mode in which
mouse-clicks are reported to it. Slang supports this, but I'm not sure
if Ncurses does.
> I find it actually very annoying when I can't copy/paste to/from an
> xterm window running lynx!
Actually, you can; xterm allows the normal cut/paste actions to be
performed, if you hold the SHIFT key. Still annoying to have to
remember that. :)
Bruno Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Midnight commander solves it by allowing cut and paste by holding the
> shift key during selection.
Actually it's xterm that is allowing that behavior. But I suppose that,
in MC, you are more likely to want to click on something than select
some text. In a mail-reader program like Mutt, the opposite is probably
> We could do it the other way round: normal clicks for selection and
> Shift-Click on an URL for opening netscape windows.
That sounds nice, but xterm doesn't work that way, to my knowledge.
At any rate, a dingus or gnome-terminal type solution seems to be the
best one I've seen. Modifying Mutt doesn't seem like the best way to
solve this problem.
David DeSimone | "The doctrine of human equality reposes on this:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | that there is no man really clever who has not
Hewlett-Packard | found that he is stupid." -- Gilbert K. Chesterson
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