Hmmm... in 1.0i, if I'm in the message index, it will occasionally beep
at me that I've got new mail in a folder, but by the time I hit a key,
the Inc: 1 line in the status bar goes away, and if I hit <c>hange
mailbox, it's not waiting there as the default answer.
Also, another problem older than 1.0 (which I sent here yesterday,
albeit from the wrong address) is that Mutt knows (or knew, that is,
except for the first problem which is unfortunately intermittent) which
mailboxes have new mail, and can even count them (the Inc: line is
right, or at least basically functional), and the next box with new mail
appears as the default when I <c>hange mailboxes, but I can't use the
spacebar to cycle through boxes with new mail.
Mail comes from the Internet to my SGI running Irix 6.5 through Postfix
then Procmail, and is delivered to the classic unix mailbox format
folders. Mutt -v is below, and muttrc is attached.
I believe I had to build with gcc this time, though SOP is to build with
SGI's cc. (Compilation failed, as I recall, with cc, though I can try
that again if folks are interested.)
[jon@gamera ]$ mutt -v
Mutt 1.0i (1999-10-22)
Copyright (C) 1996-9 Michael R. Elkins and others.
Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.
System: IRIX 6.5 [using ncurses 4.2]
Compile options:
To contact the developers, please mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
Fear leads to anger. Jon Lasser
Anger leads to hate. Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 410-455-3708
Hate leads to suffering. Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 410-383-7962
Suffering leads to book deals. -- Yoda, I think
set allow_8bit
set askcc
set attribution="In the wise words of %n:\n"
set copy=yes
set delete=ask-no
set edit_hdrs # let me edit those headers!
#set editor="nvi '+/^$'"
#set editor="vi '+/^$'"
set editor="/usr/local/bin/vim '+/^$'"
set forw_decode # don't forward lots of extra headers
set move=no
set nomark_old
set noprompt_after
set pager_index_lines=6
set pager_stop
set postponed=+postponed
set print=ask-yes
set realname="J. Lasser"
set record=+outbox # where to save copies of my outgoing messages
set reply_to=ask-yes
set reverse_alias
unset save_empty # Remove empty mailboxes when closed
set save_name
set smart_wrap # wrap long lines at word boundaries
set smileys="(>From)|(:[-^]?[][)(><}{|/DP])"
set sort=threads
set tmpdir=$HOME/tmp
set visual="/usr/local/bin/vim" # Visual editor called from builtin ed.
unset wait_key # Don't wait for a keypress after shelling out
set alias_file="~/.aliases"
source ~/.aliases
# Set up some color things
mono body bold "(http|ftp|telnet):\/\/[^ ]*
mono body underline "[^. ]*@[^ ]*"
mono header underline [Ss]ubject.*
mono header underline [Ff]rom.*
mono quoted0 bold
mono quoted1 underline
mono quoted2 bold
mono quoted3 underline
mono quoted4 bold
mono search standout
# Headers to ignore
ignore from_
ignore received return-path ignore content- x-vm- x-lines precedence x-sun
ignore message-id mime-version resent- x-loop x-mailing-list status x-status
ignore path illegal-object xref nntp-posting-host lines references x-sender
ignore errors-to return-receipt-to old-reply-to x-test in-reply-to priority
ignore X-Received X-FC-URL X-Pop3-rcpt X-Authentication-Warning X-nym
ignore X-MIME-Autoconverted Delivered-To
# set the web browser properly
macro pager \Cb |urlview\n
macro index \Cb |urlview\n
# PGP options
set pgp_default_version=pgp2
set pgp_autosign
#set pgp_replypgp
set pgp_v5_language="mutt"
# mailboxes which get mail
# my spool box and my testing box
mailboxes ! # my mailspool
mailboxes =IN.testing # test messages
mailboxes =IN.umbc
mailboxes =IN.32bitsonline
mailboxes =IN.crypto
mailboxes =IN.fetchmail
mailboxes =IN.fight-censorship
mailboxes =IN.fringe
mailboxes =IN.goucher
mailboxes =IN.linux
mailboxes =IN.local
mailboxes =IN.misc
mailboxes =IN.mutt
mailboxes =IN.nym
mailboxes =IN.spki
mailboxes =IN.reef
mailboxes =IN.y2k
mailboxes =IN.fixme # mail to my goucher account
mailboxes =IN.crap # and spam and other crap mail (presumably)
# mail lists
lists applixware-list asr-dc backup baltwash
lists bastille-linux-announce bastille-linux-discuss bdsm-chat
lists bman-announce bugtraq
lists cbbers cfs-users cipherdist coderpunks collectorz compsw cu-digest
lists dc-linux dclinux dccp dc-lug dclug dc-sage dead-media eternity
lists fest fetchmail-friends fight-censorship fspa fspa-list
lists gimp-announce gits hedwig-list johncale launchpad leri linguaphile
lists linux-list linux-vortex-bug lmnop lugman ma-linux
lists millennium-project mooc movie-night-announce mutt-announce
lists mutt-dev mutt-users no-leaves nym oldbaysage opn-users
lists pcnews pilot-unix
lists politech postfix-announce postfix-users
lists redhat-announce reef rthieme
lists secsig secure-distros securelinux security-audit SERVER-LINUX spki
lists standards staff-general-list starbuck support suse-security
lists systems texascampfire ucs-operations umbclinux
lists umbc-shooting univ-admin viridian
# ##############
# Special stuff for work
send-hook . set pgp_autosign
# My generic low-security key is 0x22090d25
# My work key is 0xedde5bf5
send-hook . set pgp_sign_as=0x22090D25
send-hook umbc\.edu set pgp_sign_as=0xedde5bf5
# but by default don't sign work-related bits.
send-hook umbc\.edu unset pgp_autosign
# or mailing list bits
send-hook -request unset pgp_autosign
send-hook [Mm]ajordomo unset pgp_autosign
# ############################################
# Now, people who receive special dispensations:
fcc-hook v\.k\.gupta@.*bigfoot\.com =vinay
save-hook v\.k\.gupta@.*bigfoot\.com =vinay
save-hook charatae@hotmail\.com =rgray
fcc-hook charatae@hotmail\.com =rgray
save-hook furrball@widomaker\.com =rgray
fcc-hook furrball@widomaker\.com =rgray
save-hook jeckyll@rtfm\.netset\.com =rgray
fcc-hook jeckyll@rtfm\.netset\.com =rgray
save-hook darian@widomaker\.com =cael
fcc-hook darian@widomaker\.com =cael
fcc-hook asr-dc@makelist\.com =asr-dc
save-hook reef@makelist\.com =reef
fcc-hook reef@makelist\.com =reef
# New header-setting procedure
# Normally, use this address:
send-hook . my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (J. Lasser)
# When that's broken, try this:
#send-hook . my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (J. Lasser)
# To UMBC folks, use my UMBC address:
send-hook umbc\.edu my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (J. Lasser)
# To the DC Linux InstallFest mailing list, use the right address
send-hook fest@.*tux\.org my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (J. Lasser)
# To send to the Applixware mailing list, use the right address
send-hook list@.*applix\.com my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (J. Lasser)
# and the Linux server list
send-hook SERVER-LINUX@netspace\.org my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (J. Lasser)
# and the Mutt mailing lists
send-hook mutt\.org my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (J. Lasser)
send-hook mshock@onelist\.com my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (J. Lasser)
# Red Hat mailing lists
send-hook starbuck-list.*@redhat\.com my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (J. Lasser)
#macro index \ce '!echo -e "\033]2;Testing\007"'\r
PGP signature