On 10/20/99 Martin Schröder uttered the following other thing: > Where to get it? It is located at: http://www.fiction.net/blong/programs/mutt/done.html#autoview But, its no longer necessary, as the included text/enriched support in mutt is much better now. Brandon -- "A fundamental law: no matter how good you are, someone somewhere believes that you're going to Hell." -- Andrew C. Bulhak http://www.fiction.net/blong/
- enriched.sh Martin Schröder
- Re: enriched.sh Brandon Long
- Re: enriched.sh Martin Schröder
- Re: enriched.sh Sean Rima
- Re: enriched.sh Martin Schröder
- Re: enriched.sh Sean Rima
- Re: enriched.sh Thomas Roessler