On Fri, Oct 22, 1999 at 02:37:21PM +1000, Bek Oberin wrote:
> Jeremy Blosser wrote:
> > Bek Oberin [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> > > I want to create a macro to let my jump straight to mailbox 'foo',
> > > whichever's currently displayed.
> > When you just hit 'c', the box offered up first /should/ be the last one to
> > receive new mail. So a macro that just did "c<enter>" would be what you
> > want.
> Should it? It certainly doesn't, it always goes through all the
> mailboxen with new mail in alphabetical order. Is this a
> side-effect of the buffy-size stuff?
Actually I think you are both mistaken. Well, Bek probably just
mutt offers to change to boxes with new mail in the order you declare
them. If you declare them in alphabetical order, you will get them in
alphabetical order. (I suspect his is what Bek has done.) I declare
them in rough order of interest, most interesting ones first, and that
is the order I get them in. For instance, given:
mailboxes =Bugtraq
mailboxes =Mutt
mailboxes =Fetchmail
If I have new mail in Mutt and Fetchmail, I see Mutt first, regardless
of when new mail most recently arrived. If I then get Bugtraq mail,
it is the mailbox that comes up by default when I hit c.