On Thu, Oct 21, 1999 at 04:26:30PM -0500, David DeSimone wrote:
> Lalo Martins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Is there some way to tell mutt to fix that somehow?
> I, too, have wished I could change the broken encoding on some received
> messages. Windows-1250 seems to be a common one that's misrepresented
> as us-ascii.
The one I'm having problems with is something Windows-based too.
> > Perhaps ignore ``encoding'' when it's us-ascii, or when it's obviously
> > wrong?
> The trouble is, knowing it's wrong isn't too hard, but how do you know
> what the right encoding is, then?
Assume ISO latin1, which is the default.
If latin1 isn't the right encoding, using it won't make the
message less readable than using us-ascii.
Or perhaps use whatever the user configured as the default
encoding (there is such an option, isn't there?).
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