At 11:47 AM EDT on October 21 Vincent Lefevre sent off:
> On Thu, Oct 21, 1999 at 10:21:45 -0500, David DeSimone wrote:
> > If you don't like this behavior, why don't you want to change your
> > terminfo?
> Because I like this behavior with other programs (e.g. less), and even
> with Mutt when I quit Mutt (but not when I pipe a message or reply to
> a message).
> > That's where the curses library is getting its information
> > from...
> >
> > At any rate, I use Mutt in an xterm, and I have this resource enabled:
> >
> > XTerm*titeInhibit: true
> This doesn't work here (under Solaris). I added it to my .OWdefaults,
> then did a xrdb .OWdefaults, then started an xterm and Mutt, and it
> doesn't change anything. Anyway, I don't want this.
I use this wrapper script (named mutt; the binary is renamed to realmutt) to
get the best of both worlds:
# Big hint to S-Lang to use colors.
# Disable alternate screen so I can read a message while composing.
export TERM
if ps | grep realmutt | grep -v grep > /dev/null ; then
echo Warning: You are already running Mutt.
echo Starting mutt in readonly mode.
sleep 1 # Or however many seconds you need to read the
# message before mutt starts.
exec /usr/local/bin/realmutt -R $*
touch $HOME/.muttlock
/usr/local/bin/realmutt $*
rm $HOME/.muttlock
In Solaris you wouldn't have xterm-xfree86, but you could take the term you
prefer to use, edit its ti/te setting, and save it as something like
"muttterm", getting around the quirks of the X resource database.
"I can't change the laws of physics; I've got to have 30 minutes." -- Scotty
Robert I. Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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