Hello everyone, I would like to know if mutt is able to display something to show which messages have an or many attachement, just like Outlook Express. Indeed, it's really annoying to open each message to search the one which contains the picture so sent you. NB: Pls reply to my adress because I'm not subscribed to the list. I'd like to know how to subscribe to the list too, because I've sent many emails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] w/ the "subscribe subject" and I receive nothing... -- LL II NN N U U X X RRRR U U LL EEEEE ZZZZZ !! LL N N N U U XX R R U U LL E__ Z !! LL II N N N U U XX RRR U U LL E Z LLLLL II N NN UUUUU X X R R UUUUU LLLLL EEEEE ZZZZZ !!