At 09:44 -0400 05 Oct 1999, "G . Sumner Hayes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Andreas Kahari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Why would you want to edit the References?
> Because you're replying to another message just to pick up email
> addresses and possibly a quote and/or common thought that isn't really
> thread-specific, but want to start a new thread?
> > It could be break up the threading
> Exactly.
Although the References header isn't available for editing, the
In-Reply-To header is; if you delete it Mutt will figure out that you're
starting a new thread, and not include a References header either.
If you have to be a dictating czar, and you have to kill people with
axes, Peter the Great did it like nobody else. -- Anne Rice