On Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 02:03:30PM +0200, Carl Johan Madestrand thus spoke:
> Hi
> I think i didnt explain myself pretty well in my last mail.
> What i  really meant, is there any way to specify my ISP's mail server
> in mutt as an outgoing SMTP server, as i can do in other mail clients
> like Netscape for example?
> Thanks :)

Hullo again...

Actually, you explained yourself quite well, and as Jeremy, I, and one
other person mentioned, no, it cannot be done.  You require an MTA.  Either
a regular one configured to forward to a "smart-host" (your ISP's mail
server), or something like what Jeremy mentioned...which is listed under
the "other utilities" somewhere on www.mutt.org (I don't have that message
in front of me), which would be a tiny MTA...basically a forwarder.

Mutt does not perform MTA actions as the result of a design decision
they've stated...basically letting Mutt be an MUA, not an MTA.

(Personally, I think POP support should just be nuked entirely considering
how many people assume that "because Netscape et al do POP, and they can
send mail out, Mutt should be able to!".)

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