Well I have finally got a recent version of mutt configured and built
here.  It's version 0.96.6i.

How do I find out what all the 'clever' things I can now do with IMAP4
mailboxes are?

I have a couple of initial observations:-

1 - It asks for my IMAP4 password again when I open an IMAP folder
even though the password is in my .muttrc.  Has the .muttrc format
changed for this?

2 - When it asked for my password it was for
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@mailandnews.co.uk which is not my user name
at mailandnews.co.uk! :-)

3 - Why does it re-read the IMAP folder *every* time I do something?
This makes it nearly unusable except when the internet is at its very
best and fastest.  It also reports that the folder has been externally
modified every time I do something.

  WWW: http://www.isbd.co.uk/

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