A few days ago I posted a question about setting up python so mail2muttalias.py
worked on AIX. I had no replies from this list or the python or aix lists,
but finally figured it out. My information may help others.

1. cursesmodule.c is not compliled by default. Move the improved version
into place in say Python-1.5.2/Modules. Uncomment the appropriate line
in Setup and change -lcurses to -lncurses.

2. Install ncurses if you do not have it. This installs curses.h in
/usr/local/include by default. It soft links ncurses.h to this. 

3. Make sure cursesmodule.c uses this version of curses.c possibly by
adding a -I entry in the Setup line.

4. Type "make Makefile; make" in the Modules directory. Move up one
and type "make install".

The crucial step was 3 as the AIX ncurses.h does not contain lots of
required declarations. On some systems it may, but the above should
work more generally.

mail2muttalias is quite useful. 

Cheers, Brian.
        Associate Professor Brian Salter-Duke (Brian Duke)
Chemistry, Faculty of Science, IT and Education, Northern Territory University,
  Darwin, NT 0909, Australia.  Phone 08-89466702. Fax 08-89466847
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.smps.ntu.edu.au/school/compchem.html

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