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Hello. Have had good times with mutt for years now.
Recently, with my disgustingly large /var/spool/mail box, mutt has not
completely written my mailbox after changes are made. I recognize that
the massive mailbox (15Mb, >5000 messages) may have something to do
with this. (I know I need to change my ways and file mail better.)
Interesting fact: I seem to be able to influence just how far it
gets by marking as deleted a few messages around the one it likes
to stop on. When I do this, it gets slightly farther next time,
ad infinitum (I guess).
It gets to about 55% now (recently it was 73%), sits there and
says "Writing messages... 3178 (55%)" then quits doing that and
awaits a command. Everything seems to work like it always has,
except the completion of the 'save' directive.
Presently I have a bunch of (220) messages saved appropriately and
marked deleted, but I can't get that accomplished. I download
mail for this box with pop right in mutt, and am afraid to make
the file any huger. (Thus in limbo)
Never heard of anything like this. This is debian slink w/ the
prepackaged mutt 0.95.3i on a ~ P100 clone that is usually
somewhat taxed (sysload .70 - 2.00 always) and low on RAM (24Mb).
(Ordinarily, though, mutt runs beautifully).
Thanks *much* in advance,
Brian Butler
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