> you mentioned the way to do it. Use send-hooks.
> For example:
> send-hook gmx 'my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> All mails goig to gmx are the send using my address at gmx.

        Not quite.  All email's sent after sending one to gmx,
have the From: field sent to the above.  Settings are
*permanently* changed after being executed in a send-hook.
        You must have a default send-hook, which will change
everything back:  i.e.:

send-hook . "set ....; set ....; unset ...."

Joshua Weage

> > Is it possible to use 'send-hooks' or somesuch to provide customised
> > settings (such as the 'From:' address when replying), based on who the
> > message was sent _to_? I know you can do that sort of thing based on

-  Joshua Weage <http://origin.me.gatech.edu/~weage>   -
-  "There is laid in the very nature of carnal man a   -
-  foundation for the torments of hell;"               -
-                            - Jonathan Edwards        -

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