Hi all, 

another question about saving mails :-)

I'm doing a BCC to myself from different machines I use in different
places (just to have all outgoing mails on my primary machine).  The problem
is, that using save-hooks (which normally work fine) isn't possible,
because those mails should go to "sent-mail", not to the folder which
contains the mail _from_ the user I sent the mail _to_ . For example:
If I get mail from user X it is save-hooked to folder X. But mails I
sent as BCC to myself are also hooked to this folder even when I did a
new save-hook with my adress pointing to "sent-mail". 
Seems as if mutt takes "to" and ignores "from". As far as I understood
the manual this is wanted. 
Of course I like mutt because it is that flexible, so I think there
surely a way to force mutt to ignore the "to"-header when the
"from"-header contains my name :-) Unfortunately I am not sure if this
i possible and how it is done. 
Is there another way to solve the problem? I thought about perhaps
assigning a special key for saving this mail to specified mailbox, but
don`t know how to do it.

Thanks for your help, Greetings,

Dirk G. Hübner -------------------------------
Phone: (06446) 6551   Fax: (089) 2443-23346
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