At 12:01 AM 9/20/99 +0200, Thorsten Jens wrote:
>On Sun Sep 19 23:45:07 1999 MEST Ken wrote:
>> Hello:
>> I've only been using Mutt on my FreeBSD box for a short while and am
>> wondering how I should go about setting line length?  Mutt's editor is vi.
>Here's what I have in my .muttrc:
>set editor=" vi -c 'set textwidth=72'"

Thanks for the reply, but when I try this I get the following error:

-c option, 1: set: no textwidth option: 'set all' gives all option values

Before my posting I found the set editor option in the docs, but where does
it mention the textwidth parameter?  This particular box is running
mutt-0.95.6 and I usually access it remotely.

Ciao-- Ken

Failure is not an option- it comes bundled with your Microsoft product.

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