hi !
im quiet new in using Mutt, but it just great ! :-)
ok, i´ve a question about send-hooks:
is there a possibilitie to let send-hooks affect only this one mail?
an exmaple:
pgp_autoencrypt is unset and i want mails to one andress get
if i set "pgp_autoencrypt" via a send-hook to this adress, this mail
gets autoencrypted fine. but, and thats the problem, this "set
autoencrypt" doesnt affect only this mail. all following mails to
other adresses are getting encrypted to.

sorry, for my bad english. :)

bye !


#####    Moritz Schulte  - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     #####
#####               Registered LINUX-User #13308               #####
#####       PGP-Key available, encrypted Mail is welcome       #####
#####       Home: http://hp9001.fh-bielefeld.de/~moritz/       #####

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