At 11:46 +0200 18 Sep 1999, Stefan Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I configured mutt to use alternate e-mail addresses depending on the
> sender of an email i reply to. This works ok but, when i write a new
> email to somebody mutt always puts only my local user name in the
> From: field. Now, if i set the my_hdr From: field the alternate
> feature doesn't work anymore. Is it possible to combine these
> functions, e.g. when i reply to someone first check the alternates, but 
> if none is found, fall back to a default address. And if i write a 
> new email use a default email address.

Set $from to the default address, that can be overridden by the effects
fo $reverse_name.

> Sorry if its RTFM, i didn't found it !

This variable is documented, but the definition ends in the middle of a
sentence and doesn't mention $reverse_name at all.  The attached patch
improves the documentation for $from.

Aaron Schrab     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The "data" for most coffee URIs contain no caffeine.  -- RFC 2324
Index: init.h
RCS file: /home/aarons/.cvsroot/mutt/init.h,v
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -p -u 
 -r1.14 init.h
--- init.h      1999/09/14 07:14:37     1.14
+++ init.h      1999/09/19 02:13:03
@@ -536,8 +536,8 @@ struct option_t MuttVars[] = {
   ** .pp
   ** When set, this variable contains a default from address.  It
-  ** can be overridden using my_hdr (including from send-hooks) and
-  ** 
+  ** can be overridden using my_hdr (including from send-hooks) or
+  ** ``$reverse_name''.
   { "hdr_format",      DT_SYN,  R_NONE, UL "index_format", 0 },

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