On Saturday, 18 September 1999 at 14:23, R. Marc wrote:
> I was in a sharing mood, so I thought I'd share :).
> I just downloaded and installed one of the unstable snapshot releases. Boy
> is it nice to have browsable imap directories. Only thing I've seen that
> is "unstable" is that it occasionally dies opening a large mailbox. Everything
> else works like a charm for me (the dying only happens about every 1 in 5
> times for me, certainly nothing to fret about considering how quickly mutt
> starts back up).
Hmm... I haven't experienced this problem, but I'd love to get it fixed.
Can you run mutt with -d4 until it crashes again, then send me the
.muttdebug0 file? Also if you could keep the core around and aren't
averse to using a little gdb, it would be very helpful...
Otherwise, it's nice to hear it's working for you. :)
"I hope I don't win | .-_|\
The rules say to bring a friend | / \
I don't have any" | Perth ->*.--._/