On Thu, Sep 16, 1999 at 04:12:18PM +0200, Gero Treuner wrote:

> > I would like to be able to use these domains to craete a Message-ID header,
> > rather than using the message ID created by the MTA used by my shell
> > account.
> This is a bad idea IMO because the message IDs are supposed to be
> unique. You can't be sure, another message could be generated on the
> host really owning the mail domain at the same time which can have the
> same message ID. Postmasters are busy enough with the usual problems,
> there is no need to create more.

Yup. Just look at all the crappy Windoze Soft...
Anyway, you could disable generation of the ID completely and let the
MTA handle that. Given that you use different mailservers they should
generate appropriate Message ID's

Ralf Hildebrandt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> www.stahl.bau.tu-bs.de/~hildeb
If I had a ( for every $ the government spent, what would I have?
Typical unix response:   Too many ('s.

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