On Monday, 13 September 1999 at 18:02, Gero Treuner wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 13, 1999 at 11:25:08AM -0400, Brendan Cully wrote:
> > You can download a module that gives GnuPG the ability to read RSA keys.
> > It's in the contrib directory, I think.
> With these modules gpg even signs and encrypts message in a pgp 2.6.3
> compatible format. I didn't manage to make it both sign and encrypt,
> is there anybody who did this?

I think there are actually real problems with this. There were a few
threads about this on the gnupg-dev list archive... it had to do with
the fact that gnupg uses pipes and pgp 2.6 was designed around temp
files, so I think the signature in pgp 2.6 is at the front of the
encrypted message (because the whole file can be read at once), but at
the back of the message in gnupg (after it's finished reading the pipe).
There was a patch to fix this, but I think Werner Koch vetoed it because
it was too complex and "hackish", and because he wishes 2.6 would die
and doesn't want to support users of 2.6. I believe the hack grabbed the
end of the encrypted output (the signature), and glued it on to the

"I hope I don't win                |          .-_|\ 
 The rules say to bring a friend   |         /     \
 I don't have any"                 | Perth ->*.--._/

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