On Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 08:50:17AM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] blurted:
> Hello from a Mutt newbie:
> Mutt retrieves mail from my ISP's pop3 server without any obious
> problems, but when I try to send a message, I get the following:
> "sendmail: usage: sendmail [ -t ] [ -fsender ] [ -Fname ]
> [ -bp ] [ -bs ] [ arg... ]
> Error sending message. child exited 100 ().
> Press any key to continue..."
> I'll be surprised if this is anything other than a screw-up in the
> way my sendmail is set up, but I don't have the problem with my other MUA's
> (otherwise I wpuldn't be able to send this!}.
> Can anyone help me, as I'm completely lost when it comes to
> sendmail!??
Try strictly: set sendmail="/path/to/sendmail -t"
Some sendmail drop-in replacements have some difficulties with the -oem and
-oi flags...especially -oem.
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