On Saturday, 04 September 1999 at 10:46, John R. Sheets wrote:
> Hello,
> I was wondering if anyone had any experiences with getting
> Mutt to work with a GroupWise IMAP server.  I've tried with
> mutt 0.95 and 1.0pre1, and in both cases, it hangs while
> fetching.  Sometimes I can bail out without killing mutt, 
> with some random combinations of Ctrl-g and Ctrl-c (sorry,
> haven't figured out a reproducable sequence...it's just
> too painful to keep trying).  (c:
> Anyway, the GroupWise server is, I believe, fairly recent.
> Fetchmail reports it as IMAP4rev1.  I can get more details
> if necessary.  I've heard that it's pretty flakey.  Netcape
> Communicator 4.x will only grab one message at a time, but
> Communicator 3.x can grab them all in one go.
> Needless to say, GroupWise is acting pretty funky.  Is there 
> any hope for a poor, desparate mutt user?

I've never used a GroupWise server, nor do I have access to one. But if
you'd like to send me your ~/.muttdebug0 file from running mutt -d4
against your groupwise server, I'll try to figure out what's wrong.
You'll have to compile mutt with --enable-debug to make -d4 work.

Also, read the .muttdebug file and * out your password, which will be in
"I hope I don't win                |          .-_|\ 
 The rules say to bring a friend   |         /     \
 I don't have any"                 | Perth ->*.--._/

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