Quoting Brendan Cully <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I've been thinking some more about this. I don't really want two keys to
> operate on folders, one for selecting and one for descending. Most users
> have folders that contain *either* subfolders *or* messages, but not
> both. Making them two keys for folders that really only have one action
> available to them is counterintuitive.
It'd only be counterintuitive if not done right. Rather than
completely separating these two functions on to two separate keys
("list subfolders" on <enter> and "list messages" on some other key),
why not have <enter> list the subfolders if it's on a folder that is
capable of subfolders, and list the messages, otherwise? That way,
the other key would only need to be used if you wanted to view the
messages in a folder that could have both.
-Brandon :)