I ran into an indexing bug that I think may need fixing...  Let me explain
the circumstances:

1) My folder variable is set to ~/Mail
2) save-hook and mbox-hook both point to =received
3) I had a folder-hook > 'set move=no'
4) I called mutt -f Mail/received (from $HOME)
5) I went to change folders and was presented with the question to move or
   not, despite the hook...obviously it did not match against > even though
   ~/Mail/received is >.  No biggie...BUT...I answered "yes"...

6) Mutt then re-read the mailbox and presented every message twice.  I 
   assumed that it had rewritten/appended all the messages to received.
   The index DEFINITELY had every message twice...count on status line was

7) I went out of mutt, somewhat irritated with my stupidity, and changed 
   my .muttrc to add extra folder-hooks for every possible name for
   =received so that I wouldn't do this again.  :)

8) BUG:  I re-called mutt as in step #4, and there was only one of each 
   message present...the duplicates were strictly in the indexing, and
   the received folder contains only one of each message.  (I had been 
   meaning to go clean up the mess I made...that I didn't really make.)

So...the bug is between #6 and #8.  Be careful...I don't know what would
have happened had I -not- quit and just deleted every other duplicate and
then re-saved out...might have lost everything.  I sure as hell don't want
anyone to find out.

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