Pete Toscano [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> hmmm, this is interesting and helpful, but i have a further question.
> how do you get vim (or is it even possible?) to "soft wrap" while
> editing and then insert <eol> characters when you exit or write? this
> would be nice in that, if you're editing a file and you remove a line or
> two from a line, if there's room to fit the first word(s) from the line
> after the current one, it'll move that/those word(s) to the current line
> and fix everything after that. this would maked editing a paragraph much
> easier. of course, maybe i should just be using emacs instead of vim
> (though i do love vim).
Sorry, cannot help you with this one. Can emacs actually do this? I
never know that.
As the situation you descirbed, I always SHIFT-j to bring up the next
line if the current line is too short. And then I break lines manaully.
I don't normally write very long emails. So I am quite happy with that.
It is probably better to ask the vim mailing list, I am sure they will
work out something for you.
Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1 ___ _ _____
Department of Communications / __| |_ __ _ ___ |_ / |_ __ _ _ _ __ _
University of New South Wales \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \ / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |___/