Hi, >i'm using vim as my e-mail editor I guess this is a good choice. Yup. <snip about indented, justified text> >notice it has margins on the right and left leaving space on both sides. it >is also 'full' justified to those margins. I'ld use something like: :imap ,ip :se tw=40<CR>gqapk>ap and then just type ,ip in the paragraph you want indented. In my file, every personal command start with a , and ip would mean 'indent paragraph'. Then, you set the width of the paragraph (here 40 chars), format it (gqap), and indent it. >i don't believe there's any way internal to vim that can do such a thing-- >maybe i'm wrong. Depends on how internal you want internal things to be :^) >if that's the case, maybe somesort of processing agent run after editing is >finished but prior to mutt coming back up? anyone have any thoughts on >this? You could run it through an external filter, typically written in Perl, but it wouldn't be too portable anymore... On the other hand, if you start using external filters, you can do much more work. But it goes beyond the scope of this mail. Hope that helps, Yves.