On Fri, Aug 27, 1999 at 05:46:46PM -0500, David DeSimone wrote:
> Brian D. Winters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > set spoolfile='{imapserver}inbox'
> > set folder='{imapserver}INBOX'
[lots of explanation from David as to why this doesn't make sense omitted]
I agree, my solution doesn't appear to make a lot of sense, and were
this UW IMAP or some other more typical server you would be completely
correct in telling me that I'm full of it. However, this is a Cyrus
IMAP server, and my observations suggest to me that Cyrus IMAP servers
use a somewhat different set of conventions.
My earlier post explains what it took to get mutt to work *in*
*practice* with the only Cyrus IMAP server I have ever run accross,
and except for changing the server name the above two lines were
copied directly from the .muttrc currently being used to access that
Cyrus server. The problems Mr. Shay is describing with his Cyrus IMAP
server seem to be the same ones I encountered, so my suspicion is that
the solutions will be the same as well.
Now, that said, I have to admit that I don't know much about Cyrus
IMAP, and their web server is currently giving "...Permission denied."
errors for the imapd section of their web site, which makes doing my
homework a bit difficult this evening. So, in the absence of hard
facts ;), how about a few potentially erroneous observations based on
my very limited experience:
* Cyrus servers seem to be set up for use on systems without any access
to the user's home directory. So "create a mail directory under
your home directory and store folders there" probably won't work.
* There doesn't seem to be any way to create a directory hierarchy, at
least not under mutt. Hard coding "INBOX." may be their answer to
the {server}/folder problem you mentioned, or it may just be
completely arbitrary. ("INBOX/" appears to be equivalent to
"INBOX.", either through magic on the server or magic in pine.)
* With my friend's server, using the folder browsing features in the
devel branch to browse = shows two lines for every folder. One line
is "=foldername", and the other line is "=foldername.". (This is
from memory, so the exact text leading up to "foldername" and
"foldername." may be more complicated.) It is the non-'.' folder
which contains actual e-mail. Attempting to change to the folder
ending in '.' results in nothing happening (I don't remember seeing
any error messages from mutt even, although it has been a couple
weeks so I may be mistaken). I have no idea what the '.' folder is
OK, Google just turned up a mini-howto (of course, how silly of me,
anyything even remotely useful has some sort of howto):
It isn't overly enlightening, but it seems to support at least one of
my observations, and doesn't contradict any of the rest.