Thanks, these are good things. Seems like the .txt and .txt.gz links point
to the same (ungzipped) text file, though...
One other thought: am I the only one out there who likes "text" and/or
".txt" files to mean "plain text" (i.e., with ASCII codes >= 0x20, except
for whitespace encodings)?
I'm always having to get rid of the ^Hs by piping the distribution's
manual.txt through "col -b" (or s/(\S\010)//g for perl people :) ... I
suppose the reason for me is that I like to read the manual either via just
loading into emacs or by grepping it on the command line.
On Tue, Aug 24, 1999 at 6:29 PM, Jeremy Blosser ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) typed:
> now includes copies of the manual in .txt and .sgml
> form, as well as gzipped copies of each and a .tar.gz of the HTML manual.
> This is to make it easier for people that don't have a local working copy
> of sgml-tools.
> I also added a copy of PGP-Notes.txt.