----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Kennedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 23, 1999 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: ssl-imap and mutt

> On Mon, Aug 23, 1999 at 09:49:27AM -0400, Brendan Cully wrote:
> > > Will mutt talk ssl-imap to my ssl-imap-capable server?  Is there
> > > anything specific to set up, or will it just happen automagically?
> > I don't think so. But I don't know anything about the SSL-IMAP protocol.
> > anyone has any docs or pointers to this protocol, I'll investigate
> > support for this.
> Generally you can use a tunnel, and locally wrap the normal IMAP
> connectionn through a local -> remote wrapper.

It looks like stunnel 3.x will do this. The stunnel homepage
even has a link to a page describing how to SSLify IMAP servers and clients
(only in Italian).
Here's the relevant part for mutt:
Lanciare stunnel con il comando (ad esempio durante lo startup):
   > stunnel -c stunnel -c -v 2 -d 143 -r server_imap:993

dove -v 2 va specificata solo se è stato eseguito il punto precedente.
Un comando analogo va dato se si desiderano connessioni pop-3.

Configurare il cliente di e-mail in modo che acceda la porta imap (o pop-3)
di localhost.

Replace server_imap with your imap server, and set your imap mailhost to
{localhost} in mutt. Of course, if something is listening on port 143 on
localhost already (or you're otherwise unable to bind to port 143), you'll
have to pick an unused port and add it to your mailhost in mutt. Eg: s/-d
143/-d 1143/, then in mutt use {localhost:1143}.

I haven't tried any of this. :)


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